I have been so tired and lazy. I feel like I have no energy or motivation to do anything. And the only thing I do is eat when I do get up to try to control the nausea.
I really need to focus on getting myself moving again to help keep my weight down with the pregnancy.
I have an ultrasound scheduled for Friday morning to see the heartbeat I pray everything is where it needs to be.
I need to find out when you can find out the sex of the baby, at how many weeks? I'm curious to know. Well first lets see the heart beat.
Music Man
Nick started private piano lessons with a Jazz Pianist. He really had a good time and at breakfast told me he couldn't wait until his next lesson. I hope he feels the same way when he has to practice.
80 Years and counting
My grandmother turned 80 on Sunday. She does really great for 80, no walker, no sickness, no surgeries. In fact she is my primary child keeper. She does awesome. Her age is starting to effect her a little but not that much. I hope I'm doing that well at 80.
She and I look alot alike.